Westering Holt Membership Questionaire
We love the World of Two Moons, as created by Wendy and Richard Pini. We love the elves they created. That’s why we want to play here. However, when someone doesn’t understand that world, or is more interested in applying their own interpretation to it regardless of the Holt’s setting, it’s disruptive to the enjoyment other members are looking for, and deserve to receive. For that reason, we ask that all new members answer a short questionnaire for us, so we can determine whether or not Westering Holt is a good fit for you, and if you are a good fit for us.
There are no wrong or right answers, so please answer honestly and completely! Copy and paste this questionaire into an email and send it to westering.holt@gmail.com. You'll receive a response within 48 hours.
1. What is your experience with ElfQuest fandom? Don’t worry – lack of experience will not be held against you!
2. Which of the Elfquest issues have you read? http://elfquest.com/gallery/OnlineComics3.html
3. Which tribe do you identify with most: Wolfrider, Sun Folk, Glider, or Go-Back?
4. What are the key differences between elves and humans in their approach to the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, relationships, religion...)
5. Name the differences between lovemating, lifemating, and Recognition.
6. How do elves see sex differently than humans?
7. What are you looking for in a Holt?
Again, email your answers to westering.holt@gmail.com!